Aurica replaces Ardian as shareholder of the t2ó group

Aurica Capital, a private equity fund owned by Banco Sabadell, has closed a deal to acquire a minority stake in the Spanish digital marketing consultancy t2ó  . The Spanish fund manager, which will now control between 30% and 40% of the capital, takes over the company’s shareholding from Ardían Growth and, in parallel, injects additional resources to drive growth organically and inorganically, i.e. through the acquisition of competing companies.
The management team of t2Ó and its founding partners, including Óscar Alonso as CEO, will remain in the shareholding and will continue to lead the company.
The structure of the transaction, which has been negotiated bilaterally since the beginning of the year, combines a capital increase with the purchase and sale of shares. Aurica is investing a total of around 17 million euros, of which approximately half will serve as consideration for the French fund, according to market sources consulted by EXPANSIÓN.



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